Minutes 3rd March

Minutes of Meeting of Dowsby Parish Council

Held 3rd March, 2022, 7.30p.m. at Village Hall, Main Road, Dowsby.


Present:                                 Cllrs. L. Rodford; C. Chambers; J. Dixon; V. Barker

Members of the public:     None









J. Dixon gave a summary of activities in the village hall. There had been several successful events including a quiz night, with forthcoming events including a pop-up pub. The bingo events are continuing. A full alcohol and entertainment license is in place.

Renovation work to the front doors is still planned to be carried out, but there has been no progress to date.

A litter pick in the village is being organised for 27th March by the Village Hall committee.

There is already a fly-by from the BBMF booked for the Jubilee.


998      NOTES OF MEETING 17th November 2021 were approved as Minutes.  Proposed Cllr. J. Dixon, seconded by Cllr. V. Barker.



999.1   Extending the speed limit Fix my street does not seem to have progressed. Clerk to follow.

999.2   Line marking for the bus stop Fix my street does not seem to have progressed. Clerk to follow. Cllr. Barker suggested contacting

999.3   Website continually being updated on an on-going basis.

999.4   Jubilee celebrations are being planned and it was suggested that the Parish Council contributes financially. Councillors agreed in principle and asked Cllr. Dixon to make a request to the council for consideration.

            Horbling have been making plans and appear to have obtained a grant for their event. Clerk to investigate further.

999.5   Gates from Belvoir sawmills look as if they may be a low cost and attractive solution for the village gateway project. 6 would be required along with posts. Cost should be approx. £300 in total which was accepted in principle. Cllr. Dixon to obtain a quotation for approval at the next meeting.


1000    FINANCE


1000.1 Bills for approval


Phil Galpin (Net 21/22 4th qtr payment)                                     £144.00                                      (100374)

HMRC (tax Dec/Jan/Feb 21/22 4th qtr payment)                    £36                                            (100375)

LALC                                                                                                 £70.55                                       (100376)       

Total bills:                                                                                        £250.55


1000.2 Bank accounts                                     


            Cheque account on 31.1.22                                                             £3200.62

Savings account on 31.1.22                                                             £1917.32

Total available funds:                                                                    £5117.94


1001    PLANNING


1001.1 Weekly planning report checked for any applications pertaining to Dowsby




  1. (Littlethorpe) Bus shelter information
  2. (Glasdon) Promotional information
  3. (Barclays) Bank statements
  4. (Clerks & Councils Direct) Newsletter -  2022 Issue 139
  5. (LIVES) Newsletter/ request for donation
  6. (HMRC) Tax code information
  7. (SKDC) 2022 Electoral Register
  8. email(NHS) Consultation
  9. email(Community Heartbeat) Annual inspection
  10. email(LALC) E news 16.11.21
  11. email(LALC) E news 23.11.21
  12. email(eForest) Free tree information
  13. email(Zurich) Guide to event organising
  14. email(LALC) news 177
  15. email(Arien) Signs promotional literature
  16. email(Meon) Road surface treatment information
  17. email(Rural Services Network) Bulletin
  18. email(LALC) E news 30.10.21
  19. email(LALC) Platinum Jubilee Beacons
  20. email(LALC) E news 12.11.21
  21. email(LCC/TSG) Bus information
  22. email(NHS) Consultation
  23. email(LALC) E news 8.12.21
  24. email(Rural Services Network) Bulletin 14.12.21
  25. email(LALC) E news 14.12.21
  26. email(LCC) Fix our funds to fix our roads campaign
  27. email(Proludic) Promotional information
  28. email(LCC) Sand offer information
  29. email(LALC) NALC Bulletin
  30. email(DE accounting) Promotional information
  31. email(Lincs Police) BBNPP newsletter
  32. email(NHS) Shuttle bus for Covid booster jabs
  33. email(Live and Local) Community Engagement job
  34. email(LALC) E news 4.1.22
  35. email(Rural Services Network) Bulletin 5.1.22
  36. email(NHS) Vaccine information
  37. email(LCC) Council tax increase views request
  38. email(NHS) The contributor newsletter
  39. email(Opusxenta) Promotional information
  40. email(NHS) Vaccination clinics
  41. email(LALC) E news 11.1.22
  42. email(Sutcliffe Play) Promotional information
  43. email(Meon) Concrete information
  44. email(Lieutenancy) Jubilee information
  45. email(LALC) E news 18.1.22
  46. email(SKDC) Bi-election notice
  47. email(NHS) Survey
  48. email(London Hearts) Grant information
  49. email(LCC) Survey information
  50. email(Central Design Ceramics) Mugs information
  51. email(Rural Services Network) Bulletin 25.1.22
  52. email(NHS) The contributor newsletter 24.1.22
  53. email(LALC) E news 25.1.22
  54. email(Lincs Police) Safer Together
  55. email(YMCA) January newsletter
  56. email(Fabrications North East) Bench information
  57. email(Ben Emery) Grounds maintenance information
  58. email(LALC) Training scheme
  59. email(SKDC) Meeting guidance
  60. email(Community Heartbeat) Follow up on inactive status
  61. email(DE accounting) Promotional information
  62. email(LALC) E news 1.2.22
  63. email(Opusxenta) Promotional information
  64. email(CloudyIT) Promotional information
  65. email(WalkingEngland) information
  66. email(LCC) Jubilee newsletter
  67. email(LALC) Annual subscription notice
  68. email(NHS) The contributor newsletter 7.2.22
  69. email(LALC) E news 8.2.22
  70. email(SKDC) Election notice
  71. email(NHS) Vaccination information
  72. email(Rural Services Network) Bulletin 15.2.22
  73. email(LALC) E news 15.2.22


Item 44 and 47 to be forwarded to councillors.




1003.1 Stone wall at Dodds farm buildings still in a state of disrepair. Ask for status. Clerk to follow.


1004    DATE OF NEXT MEETING: TBA, 7.30p.m., Village Hall, Main Road, Dowsby.


There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8-55pm.

Phil Galpin, Clerk to Dowsby Parish Council.

8th March 2022